Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Hidin’ Biden

Peter Schweitzer has interesting comments in Breitbart about why Kamala Harris is not seen on the campaign trail more often. Other than her lack of charisma and her alienation of moderate voters, Schweitzer observes:

 Biden’s team explain the former vice president’s rare public appearances as a function of concerns related to the coronavirus. Schweizer noted that if Harris were to be more visible than Biden, it would undermine the ostensible rationale for Biden’s limited visibility.”

Interesting ...

Afterward ... see: Weasel Zippers



  1. Train Wreck5:50 AM

    After yesterday's revelations about Trump knowing the virus was so deadly and still telling his minions, you included, that it was a hoax, you should be ashamed of yourself for not denouncing this man. By continuing to attack Biden, you are complicit and can only be condemned as one of his cult members. This is beyond redemption.

  2. Im damned to Hell ... where it is oh so crowded with Deep Staters.
