Saturday, September 12, 2020

Covid Cure

There is a sure-fire way to stop the onslaught of new Covid-19 case and death statistics ... vote for Joe Biden on November 3rd. If enough legal/illegal, alive/dead, registered/unregistered voters mark the ballot for Sleepy Joe, then these hysterical virus numbers should disappear within a fortnight.



  1. Doctor Dump2:17 PM

    This is one of the dumbest things you've written to date and there have been many. You're buying Trumps line that the only way Biden can win is if the dems cheat, yet there is no valid research to back this claim. I sure hope you're right. And by the way, the virus doesn't choose sides.

  2. The virus doesn’t choose sides but the media does. In this blog I’m not suggest Biden will cheat, but now that you mention it ...

  3. I reread my blog post, maybe I did suggest the Dems would cheat. I couldn’t help myself.

  4. New poster going around on social media: The Trump Smoke Alarm. It stays silent so you won't panic.

  5. The media has been the smoke alarm ... a veritable klaxon since April. We were panicked about ICU beds, then ventilators, then PPE, then testing, then masks, then social distancing, now unsafe vaccines. Have you not been listening?
