Sunday, August 09, 2020

Stupid Pills

The Democrat party was planning to pass out their annual allotment of stupid pills for their faithful at Biden’s nominating convention. Now that this is not going to happen live, party leadership is worried that their voters may wake up and learn the true state of affairs and vote for Kanye or the Orangeman.

So Democrats are in a bit of a panic! And are actually thinking about sending out these pills (and some moving-around money) with their pre-marked mail-in ballots!



  1. What are you talking about? I just read through the 2020 Democratic Party Platform draft. I like it. What is the GOP doing? Seems they are rolling the 2016 platform out for a rerun. Is their byline changing to Try again to make America great? TAMAG


  2. scare the hell out of voters so they won’t vote Republican
    allow new born children to be murdered and call it late term abortion
    be anti-God
    be anti-Christian
    be anti-constitutional
    eliminate the 1st and 2nd Amendments
    have a two-tiered justice system
    enforce the religion of Global Warming bogus science
    eliminate health insurance
    have government run medical system
    be anti-Israel
    be anti-Male
    be anti-White Male
    support radical Muslim religions
    favor illegal aliens over US Citizens
    deny border crisis and eliminate borders
    give illegal aliens Constitutional rights
    allow terrorists to vote
    allow rapist and murderers to vote
    allow illegal aliens to vote
    eliminate middle America votes
    eliminate combustion engines
    eliminate airplanes
    eliminate vehicles
    eliminate ships
    eliminate farming
    eliminate cows
    rebuild all current buildings
    destroy and/or eliminate law enforcement
    impeach President Trump
    raise taxes
    replace Capitalism with Socialism

  3. You could derive these points from the 2020 Democratic Party Platform draft?
    Seems your level of extrapolation might be set too high.

  4. I copied and pasted them from someone who did. I actually think the platform is more onerous .. eg. Do away with charter schools. But I got lazy.


  5. You are really letting your prejudices take wing when you say that you did not read the draft, took the points from "someone " who did read it, and then "suggest" that it is more onerous than that. Hyperbolic extrapolation enhanced with further extrapolation. Actually "Do away with charter schools" is in fact "we will ban for-profit private charter businesses from receiving federal funding." How onerous is that?

  6. “”
