Wednesday, August 19, 2020

School Openings

We already know that, when children get coronavirus, their symptoms are generally mild and there is virtually no chance that they will die ... less than 20 in the US since the pandemic began in March. Of course even one death is sad ... but it should not be driving national policy ... such as not reopening schools ... or being too restrictive in their operation.

Yes, the opposite is true for us old gasbags, but the risks to us can be managed. Please look at the profile of Covid cases and deaths in California and let’s assume it can be extrapolated to the whole country ... see: Covid in California.

Oh, but the children are going to infect each other and then the adults they interact with ... their teachers, parents, grandparents, etc. From this data, it is clear that, even if kids can easily spread this disease to adults (which is disputed), the risk to teachers under the age of 50 is quite small. All over Europe schools are reopening with no unmanageable outbreaks ... see: Breitbart Story.

Yes, the real danger for school reopening is for the grandparents involved ... particularly those with their immune systems compromised ... and co-morbidities. But, again with focused mitigations, this risk too can be mitigated. Our valued children need to go back to school! Old farts, like me, are not as important!



  1. Deadly Doright2:32 PM

    I'm glad you're ready to die. I'm not. And you forget one important fact. Even though death rates may be low, long term effects of the disease are still not known. It is speculated that 30 percent of the people infected, even mildly, with have recurring heart and/or lung problems. They are even finding that young healthy athletes are getting compromised heart problems after recovering from mild cases. So why don't you just drink the kool aid and stop speculating on areas in which you are obviously compromised.

  2. Kind sir, I do believe it is you who is speculating ... may I say even fear-mongering ...

  3. No, you may not say fear-mongering. There is a global pandemic underway. It is not a movement to bring down Trump. I am with Den on this: until there is a reliable vaccine, I am going to keep a very low profile. I feel for you with school-age grandkids that live with you. You are truly compromised. Your kids need the social elements of a schoolhouse.

  4. Bill, we need to come up with some good stuff for George's eulogy. He has obviously decided to go gently into the dark night.

  5. This is not a pandemic ... I choose to call it Chinese election interference
