Monday, August 10, 2020


How many children 17 or younger have died of coronavirus in our most populous state, California?

For answer, scroll down please ...

One ... see: California Department of Public Health



  1. Rosy Pix12:52 PM

    And your point is? Better to ask what are the number of other people children under the age of 17 have infected who have either died or have long term complications? You can't paint a rosy picture no matter how hard you try.

  2. Since you know for sure, please tell the scientists ... see: “”

  3. Looking at the California statistics in the hyperlink offered one can easily see that children 17 and under infect each other substantially less than their proportion of their proportion of the population. Now, one would assume that, given the poor hygiene of this population group, that it would be much larger. Ergo, I think I can conclude that these kids would be much less likely to infect adults ... a group with much better hygiene. Is their infection rate to their teachers, parents and grandparents nonexistent? No, but I still suspect it is not as dangerous as Democrats (and the teachers’ unions) are trying to convince us so as not to reopen our schools.

  4. I'm convinced. You and Trump are correct: Youngsters are almost immune. I say send them back to school. (If they are living in a blended household, the compromised grandparents will just have to take the risk. We need to "Stand up for America" and send those kids back to school. Fuck it! Let's just open everything up and go back to when America was becoming great again: 2019!
