Monday, August 24, 2020

New Newspeak

Sometimes I, like George Orwell, believe that liberal brains are mis-wired and they are “unable to process.” It seems that they have an uncanny way of offering up arguments that, by their mystical quality, sound possible ... but fall apart upon closer inspection. The following is a comment on a recent blog post here that has Swiss cheese holes all through it:

People yearn for simple ways to describe complex issues. In the political realm, unlike science, the simplest solution is too often a short term fix, which fails in the long run due to those pesky unintended consequences.

This is Trump's appeal: He offers simple solutions. A Wall to stem illegal immigration, Tariffs to punish China, Hydroxychloriquine, cancelling Treaties, on and on. The ramifications of his actions are beyond his ability to process. It will take a long tome to fix the mess he has created.”

 A few observations:

- William of Ocean did not say the his “razor” only applied to science. He obviously meant that the simpler solution applied across the board.

- How does this commenter know that Trump’s solutions will fail in the long run ...  does he have a Magic 8 Ball? And does his observation imply that they are working at least in the short term? The wall and Trump’s standing up to China are seminal events that, I predict, will make the history books.

- Trump’s jettisoning of the Paris Climate Accord and the Iran Nuclear Deal was legit because they were NOT treaties since they had never been ratified by Congress. The remake of NAFTA WAS ratified by Congress.

- Are these Biden solutions also short-term: the Green New Deal, huge tax increases, open borders, eliminate cash bail, defund the police, no fracking, Medicaid for All (including illegals), more regulations, gut our armed forces, eliminate prisons, rewrite our history, more regulations, voting from prison, scuttle tariffs, Socialism, etc.?

Bottom line: With many of these cockamamie Democrat proposals, there is no long-term ...



  1. I thought your quoted comment was brilliant. Few Americans have benefited from the trade war with China et al. Ask the soybean farmers or the workers whose plants have shut-down for lack of a market. Or the consumer paying higher prices for items that used to be affordable. The wall is an expensive project that enriches his crooked friends. I agree these mistakes will be prominently cited in the History Books as reasons why Trump was the worst president ever.

    Your summary of Biden's "solutions" is a tiresome repetition of the drooling Trumpswab choir.

    Trump cultists are too myopic to see the storm clouds advancing. Welcome to reality.

  2. So Biden (Sanders) is not proposing these things? Blinders for Biden ... magnifying glass for Trump?

  3. Yes the Democratic platform is more liberal than you would like. But not as extreme as you suggest.

    The Trumpists did not even adopt a platform, except to swear fealty to Trump. That is un-American. Why can't you Stand up for America, just one time?
