Monday, August 03, 2020

Imitating Immaturity

We are now in the midst of an pandemic. No, not the coronavirus, but Trump imitators.

Admittedly, President Trump has a sandpaper personality ... although less so recently ... and with offsetting policy pluses. This unattractive part of his temperament has spawned lots of obnoxious copy cats ... over-paid jocks, Nancy Pelosi, CNN commentators, many state governors, Chuck Schumer, Blue State mayors, snow-flake protestors, some foreign heads of state, Hollywood twits ... and many ... too many others ... without the good policy offsets ... a very disappointng gaggle of juvenile adults.

In 2016 Marco Rubio learned the hard way that trying to trade insults with the Orangeman was a huge mistake ... but this lesson was apparently not learned by the above sophomoric simps.

The real conundrum is why Trump elicits such a tide of imitators ... particularly since such aping does not compliment the apers ... it makes them appear petty and truculent. If they hate Trump so much, why try to emulate him? This is counterintuitive and I certainly can’t explain it.


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