Friday, August 21, 2020

Free Speech

By Norman Rockwell

I would like to believe that part of the appeal of this blog is that it stands up for free speech ... and doesn’t squelch dissenters in the comments section. I would guess about 90% of the comments here disagree with my post’s arguments ... usually responded to by my counter-thoughts. This is what keeps things free and interesting ... and eventually can iterate to truth.

Much of the internet today does not permit such free-wheeling dialog. Twitter, reddit, Facebook, etc. are becoming increasingly restrictive in the degree of woke dissent they will permit. What good is that after all? These social media sites become echo chambers and not sounding boards. Worthless! And, in my opinion, sadly anti-American.



  1. Act One9:02 AM

    I totally agree that there should be free speech. But just like you can't yell fire in a crowded theater(remember those) you can't be telling people on the internet to drink bleach because it will cure their Covid19.
