Thursday, August 13, 2020

En Banc

On Tuesday, the ten member D.C. District Court reheard, en banc (as a whole), the appeal of Judge Sullivan’s refusal to dismiss General Flynn’s case after the DOJ had removed itself from prosecuting this case ... and after this court’s three judge panel had directed Sullivan to do so ... see: Courthouse News.

The interesting development during this hearing is located in paragraph 12 of the above hyperlink where it is revealed that one motivation of AG Barr’s rationale for withdrawing from this case is evidence discovered in Durham’s investigation of the events surrounding what is now known as Obamagate.

What this evidence is was not disclosed ... interesting! Could this be the very same evidence that President Trump said last week was “breathtaking?” I would love to speculate about what this evidence may be ... but I will leave this tasty morsel to you, kind reader.


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