Monday, August 10, 2020

Election Interference

The U.S. intelligence community is warning Congress and the American people that Russia would like to see Trump re-elected and may be planning to interfere to this end. And they also say that China and Iran hope Biden will prevail and may be taking covert actions to this end ... see: CNBC Story.

Dear reader, these both seem to be logical conclusions although I have yet to hear of any specific Russian election chicanery ... but the Democrats do have operatives with vivid imaginations ... and I am sure we will soon be supplied with sensational details. (Perhaps the Dems have gone to this Ruskie well once too often?)

Yes, the specifics of what Russia might do or is doing are rather vague ... perhaps some more Facebook ads or another peepee dossier? However, we already have compelling evidence of China’s massive election interference on behalf of Sleepy Joe — it unleashed coronavirus on us and the world to destroy our economies ... the very best way to defeat incumbents!


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