Thursday, July 16, 2020

The New Slavery

I like the way W. Lewis Amselem (the Diplomad) thinks and writes. His latest blog post has a paragraph about the plight of blacks in America that hit home with me. Here it is:
“The progs have done what neither slavery nor segregation could: they have kept millions of black people as a permanent underclass to be exploited by the prog urban political machines. The progs get to decide who is black and who is a Fake black; they decide what political views black people can and cannot hold; which black "leaders" will emerge and get media time. Behold, the new slavery.”
This is a pithy bit of thought and scribing. If you want to read all the finery inspiring and surrounding this gem, read his entire posting at: Diplomad 2.0. And yet it was Joe Biden who once said to blacks that the Republicans were “gonna put y’all back in chains.”


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