Saturday, July 18, 2020

Moral Purity

It is wonderful to die for a cause ... any cause! — Voltaire’s tutor

In a perverse sort of way, one has to admire our younger generations who are violently agitating for our moral purity: no more bad cops, no venerating of statues to those who owned slaves or tolerated slavery, compassionate remediation for the income disparities that exist is our country today, hatred for those living a life of white privilege, denying anyone in the world immigration entry into our despicable country, keeping otherwise peaceful minorities incarcerated far beyond what their offenses dictate, dictatorial oppression of peaceful protest. ... even if they involve looting or arson.

All these national injustices need to be remedied ... immediately, no backtracking! “Else we will burn the system down!” All the while conveniently ignoring hundreds of other injustices of equal or greater consequence.

Yes, this naive idealism is kinda admirable ... if misdirected and dangerous ... as a result of indoctrination by ivory-tower pedagogues who have never lived a life that would belie their own fuzzy-headed [im]moral sophistry.

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