Saturday, July 11, 2020

Cross Examination

The judge in the General Michael Flynn case, Emmett Sullivan, has gone to extraordinary lengths not to let this case die ... as the Justice Department and the DC District Court have decreed ... see the following for the very unusual steps he has taken: FoxNews Story. Judge Sullivan has even, early-on in this case, called General Flynn a “traitor” in open court ... for which he later apologized ... but in which he still must believe ... else why his recent malign behavior?

Somehow, I strongly suspect Judge Sullivan has learned, maybe from Flynn’s original attorneys, Covington, a piece of extraordinarily damaging “information” about the general ... and firmly believes it ... possibly the same fact or facts  behind what President Obama warned Trump about Flynn ... and, the details of which, have been denied to Trump, Flynn’s current attorney, Sidney Powell or the DC Circuit Court.

Whatever this sub rosa indictment of Flynn might be, it needs to be brought out into the open so that we all can gauge Flynn’s innocence or guilt ... and not rely on the prejudice of a single judge who is sworn to be above such rumored pettiness.

My suspicion — this “heinous act” by Flynn has not been revealed because it would not stand cross examination. This is not the way justice is supposed to work. The Constitution says we all have the “right to confront our accuser.”

See also: Conservative Treehouse Post.

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