Sunday, July 05, 2020


On ABC this AM, Martha Raddatz was grilling the head of the FDA, Dr. Stephen Hahn, with her buzz-saw confrontational style, asking him if Trump was correct when he said yesterday that “99 out of 100 people who get COVID-19 will be Ok?”  ... clearly making it blatantly apparent that the Orangeman was, once again, lying (#18,587).

Now, the CDC-official death rate from this virus is 0.2% ... see: USA Today Story ... but authorities believe that there may be 10 to 20 times more asymptomatic cases than those officially diagnosed. Even ignoring this multiplier, those CDC stats suggests that just 2 people out of 1,000, who get COVID, die. And even if five-times as many who die suffer other side effects, we still are just approaching Trump’s assertion.

QED. The Donald wins again.


  1. Trump actually said 99% of the cases were "totally harmless."

    "Totally Harmless" does not equal "survivable." I'm sure many of those people who spent time in ICU's or could not breathe would agree.

    QED. Truth wins again!

  2. One of his biggest lies!!
