Friday, June 12, 2020

Today’s Poser

Could our far Left (ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, the Tribe, Gov. Inslee, Mayor Frey, etc.) have a hidden agenda ... to discourage immigration by turning America into just another third-world hell hole?


  1. Steve Bannon has managed to label his extreme right agenda as the extreme left in action.
    As The Hill comments:
    Trump has been the perfect vessel for Bannon’s vision to tear apart global infrastructure, take power and solidify control. The weaker we are on the international stage, the more isolated we become. Combined with anti-immigrant policies, and a steady erosion of faith in protective institutions such as the FBI, the specter of increasing centralized power in the executive branch is an inevitable result. This power vacuum that only Trump can fill suits Bannon’s worldview to a T.

  2. Why do my posts that do not mention Trump become only a vessel to bash Trump once again?
