Tuesday, June 09, 2020

The Tut-Tutters

Trump went to St. John’s church and held up a Bible ... upside down — tut tut!

The New York Times published an op-ed by Sen. Tom Cotton — tut tut!

Trump was hiding in the White House bunker  — tut tut!

Trump’s economic reopening is sure to cause a second wave of coronavirus — tut tut!

Despite what the Mueller Report said, Trump colluded with Russia — tut tut!

The Trump administration wanted to call in the active-duty military to quell the rioting   — tut tut!

Trump took a victory lap on the good unemployment news   — tut tut!

The cleaning of BLM graffiti off of national monuments shows those cleaners have white privilege — tut tut!

Former DOD Chief Gen. Mattis accuses Trump of being divisive  — tut tut!

At St. John’s Trump held up a Bible not approved by the evangelists   — tut tut!


  1. The only world leaders that praise him are dictators - tut tut!
    He eliminates anyone who disagrees with his power grab - tut-tut!
    He assaulted women and bragged about it - tut tut!
    He is incapable of speaking rationally without a teleprompter - tut tut!

    This is fun we should keep doing this.

  2. Biden is polling ahead of Trump 14 points - tut tut
    Biden sometimes seems confused - tut tut
    Biden's son got a job with a Ukrainian oil company - tut tut
    Obama did not endorse Biden until he was the only candidate - WTF?

  3. You’re getting there ...
