Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Taking a Knee

The riotous mobs, when they are not looting and pillaging, are now confronting the defenders, police and soldiers, with the chant, “TAKE A KNEE!” This is, of course, a request for them to emulate Colin Kaepernick in his protest against his country (first) and  police brutality (second).

Unfortunately, many of those around the country who are charged with maintaining the peace are complying with this demand ... in the naive hope that the riotous thugs will be turned back into peaceful protesters, And of course just the opposite occurs. Weakness begets even greater problems.

Taking a knee translates as “all police are racists” ... just like the one who killed George Floyd. Not a good message to be conveying to a mob you wish to control. All compliers with this mob demand should be re-educated.

Afterward: If asked, will Joe Biden take a knee?


  1. How do you qualify your certainty about Antifa vs White supremacists? They are both fascist.

  2. Before we go any further ... please ... the world needs a cogent definition of “white supremacist.”
