Wednesday, June 03, 2020


Have you seen pictures of the other three police officers involved in George Floyd’s murder in Minneapolis last week? No? Have you wondered why? Well, there must be a reason ... there always is when our ever-alert media leaves critical holes in the narrative they are pushing.

Well this AM I saw their four pictures and ... surprise! ... the instigator, Derek Chauvin, is, yes, obviously white. But the other three are Asian, black and possibly black (unclear). Their pictures are here: Mostly Cajun blog (scroll down a little bit ... I tried to transfer this image to this blog but “Mostly Cajun” forbids it ... and, surprise surprise, it is nowhere to be found under a Google Images search.)

Why has it taken so long for this critical piece of info to emerge? Did the Minneapolis authorities and the lefty media ... by holding it back ... want to fan the flames (literally) of protest? ... and somehow slime Trump once again?

It never ends ... the never-Trumpers are rabid to the point of manic self-destruction. This image WILL come out shortly ... and, kind reader, watch the dance the media will perform to try to escape responsibility. Don’t let them ...


  1. Truth to Power8:21 AM

    Totally bogus comment. There were plenty of pictures of the other police officers and clearly you could see that one was Asian. The reason their photos have not been shared is because they were not charged with anything. Stop spreading conspiracy theories.

  2. Truth8:26 AM

    How about posting this instead: An 'ANTIFA' Twitter account that called for looting 'white hoods' was actually run by white nationalist group Identity Evropa

  3. Mr. Truth,
    The media were not able to discover these face pictures? Come-on! And who is now pushing conspiracy theories?

  4. Bogus Humphrey12:38 PM

    Three white guys and one Asian. And Twitter just deleted the White Supremacy account which was masquerading as Antifa. So now whose posting bogus shit.

  5. “Three white guys!” ... are you f-ing blind?

    How come you keep changing your name?
