Friday, May 08, 2020

Updated Key Comparisons

It is difficult to compare the various country, and now state coronavirus statistics ... since they are so far apart in the big tables. So, once again,  I have taken some time to put together some of the critical measures (Tests per million, Cases per million and Deaths per million) for some key countries (USA, Sweden, Norway, Italy, South Korea, Germany) .... and states (California, Massachusetts, New York and Florida) one week after my first comparison. Here are the numbers as of May 8, 2020 ... see: Latest Data for verification. (If you check after 5/8/2020, the numbers will change.)

                   Tests  per million
USA                        25, 119
Sweden                   14,704
Norway                  34,406t
Italy                        33,385
South Korea           12,773
Germany                 32,891

California               21,530
Massachusetts       51,482
New York               55,556
Florida                    24,035

                   Cases per million
USA                         3,906
Sweden                    2,438
Norway                    1,482
Italy                          3,570
South Korea                211
Germany                  2,022

California                  1,596
Massachusetts        10,793
New York                17,199
Florida                      1,885

                 Deaths  per million
USA                           232
Sweden                      301
Norway                       40
Italy                           495
South Korea                 5
Germany                     88

California                     65
Massachusetts           665
New York                 1,344
Florida                          78    

Do you believe the numbers for South Korea? Actually, the more I inspect numbers, the more I am certain the politics and nationalism are infecting most results. This, of course, makes dealing with this pandemic very problematic ... unfortunately.


  1. JD Gallup9:35 AM

    Pretty pathetic. That's what you get with having no one with a brain in the White House. Right DN?

  2. Don’t you mean in Albany and Gracie Mansion?
