Sunday, May 24, 2020

Today’s Poser

Kind liberal readers: How many additional coronavirus deaths would be tolerable during a possible second pandemic wave this Fall ... if this meant that Trump would not get re-elected?

(Poser inspired by NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s similar question on how many deaths are acceptable to get the economy back growing.)


  1. I would sacrifice every unmasked demonstrator, every Republican Senator except Mitt, several Democrat assholes in House, Sean Hannity, 4 of the Five, Dinesh Desuza, Laura Ingraham, Al Sharpton, and many others in that Devil's bargain that you hypothetically propose.

    I think the second wave is upon us sooner than later. June/July, not September/October. Buckle up.

  2. Wishing political opponents dead is not very American ... particularly on Memorial Day. Is this the only way their arguments can be neutralized? And it sounds very much like you are not just predicting a second wave, you might be hoping for one to also take down the Orangeman. Such Irrational obsessions are not a good look.

  3. Spare us the sanctimonious pronouncements about being American. Sacrificing individual lives for the common good has always been the underpinning of Democracy and freedom.

    It is clear that you want the second wave to happen in the Fall so Trump can interfere with the election, again. My prediction is based on reported surge in numbers of new case in places that have opened-up and relaxed restrictions.

    Covering your ears and bleating "la-la-la-la-la" to avoid hearing the truth, is not a good look, either.

  4. Losing one’s life for one’s country should not be dictated by you ... or Mengele ... And I obviously hope the virus abates by Fall or before. Your vision of what Trump would do or what I think is warped beyond recognition.
