Thursday, May 14, 2020

Nothing to See Here ...

Move along. It is stunning that, after yesterday’s revelation of widespread unmasking of General Flynn’s name in transcripts of intercepted phone calls ... that, of the 3 alphabet TV networks, only CBS devoted anytime to this bombshell news ... 50 seconds worth!

This is more proof positive that ABC, NBC and yes even CBS ... are corrupt fake news to their bone.


  1. Anonymous4:26 PM

    No mention of it on Joe and Margery this morning.

  2. There is no "proof" of anything in your post. WTF are you talking about?

  3. What is this "Bombshell" of which you speak? Please explain why identifying a person on a phone call is so terribly wrong. Remember, Flynn plead guilty of lying under oath. You crucified Bill Clinton for that same charge.

    Is "unmasking" the new buzzword of deplorables? Ho Hum.
