Monday, April 06, 2020

Today’s Poser

If Trump is such an unrepentant prevaricator, is he also lying to America when he says that we are at war with this invisible enemy, COVID-19 ... and that our worst two weeks are just ahead? Or, does he lie only when he is upbeat and saying we will overcome this scourge, the China virus ... and that we need to restart our economy?

In other words, does he lie just when he is optimistic? Yes? Curious!


  1. He lies whenever he goes off-script with his incoherent narcissistic rants. He lies about the past with psychotic self-serving reinventions of biggest, fastest, most, first, lowest, hoaxiest milestones since he was elected. He lies about the "fake news" when it quotes him verbatim and in context.

  2. Fewer words:
    He has no moral authority so most people don't believe him.

  3. The pandemic forces Trump to speak to all Americans, not just his base. It is no longer us vs them. It is all just US. And all of us immediately started living a different life in just a few weeks. Facts rule. No wildass promises based on hearsay. We are in no mood for lies.

  4. Reading these comments, I think I nailed it in this observation. in order to be believed, Trump needs to play Eeyore ...

  5. Wrong again. We do not need him to be pessimistic, gloomy, and depressed. We need him to be the commander in chief. Confident and informed by his team, assured that the ship of state is strong. Pragmatic and stern. Comforting us that we will ride out the storm. Models might be Eisenhower or Churchill.

  6. I think he is what you want ... but maybe with an overlay of Don Rickels.
