Wednesday, April 08, 2020


Every year the seasonal flu (H1N1) kills between 11,000 and 95,000 Americans ... see: Seasonal Flu Statistics. This new Wuhan flu (COVID-19) is now estimated to kill 60,000 of us this year ... which has caused us to close down our economy almost completely ... see: New Model Estimates

Following this Wuhan-flu logic, might we not ...  from now on ... close down our US economy during our seasonal flu outbreak ... late Fall, Winter and early Spring ... every year? And everyone must wear masks and social-distance from each other?


  1. We have only done a shutdown for this flu where we did not for others, true. But if we had not (or stop) will we have an exponentially huge number of cases in just a matter of days? As we seem to have the resources at hand or building for masks, purifiers, ventilators, and beds, maybe we should let 'er rip. I, however, will stay at home until there is a vaccine.
    I might do well playing the stock market recovery.

  2. Perhaps. Sweden is letting it rip ... so we will see how it goes with them.

  3. I've always been a fan of the Sweden model for dealing with Corona virus. It looks like their approach keeps the economy going and the numbers of sick manageable. Perhaps they don't have as many urban concentrations of low-income people without healthcare? Worth studying.

  4. Malmo has been engorged with Muslims ... must be a vulnerable population?

  5. Yes, immigrants who are often segregated and crowded together are being hit hardest.
    I read that 1/2 of Swedish households consist of one person. Interesting.

  6. Your search engine is smoking from overuse.
