Sunday, April 26, 2020

More Real Data

Now there is a fourth antibody study ... Miami/Dade ... with results similar to New York’s. Many more people showing that they had been infected with COVID-19 (16x) ... and thus a far lower death rate (just north of 0.1%) ... much more like the seasonal flu ... see: Washington Examiner Story.

So, dear reader, try to readjust your thinking to these real numbers ... if that is now possible.


  1. Death6:49 AM

    Your thinking is flawed. The regular flu death numbers are not really known. But let's believe for a minute that 30,000 people die from the flu in a year. Covid19 has killed 50,000 plus in just over a month or so. So it's not like the flu. But go ahead and believe what you want. One death is too many especially if it's you. Right Dennis?

  2. Mr. Death, High seasonal flu number is 59,000 ... and, yes, COVID-19 might be higher in a shorter period of time. But then we don’t shut down our entire economy for the seasonal flu every Fall. Right Dennis?

  3. Bill, "one death is too many" is a fatuous statement. I am willing to tolerate the deaths of the frailest and oldest whose quality of life is terrible anyhow. (This is the same reason, I support abortion BTW) The utter panic associated with this virus is way out of proportion to the real risk. And the politicization by both sides is despicable.

    I think we are all eventually going to get some form of this virus, if we haven't already acquired and survived it. It's now clear that young people are also hit by the disease, though less deadly. The gradual opening of the economy must be coordinated to keep the caregivers and providers from being overloaded. It seems the more data we get the more confused we become. Perhaps we are doomed.
    Stop addressing me in your comments. It's annoying.

  4. Are unborn babies also the “oldest and frailest?” Otherwise your comments are right on! (Bill, don’t take Dennis’ dig personally. He is a prick by his very nature.)

  5. Unborn babies who cannot be expected to have a *quality of life* are better-off remaining unborn. I leave the judgement of that expectation solely to the mother.

    So now you bend the word "truthteller" to become "prick." Quite a pretzel machine you have on your shoulders.

  6. I don't deal with hypotheticals.
