Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Maher vs. Crenshaw

Kind reader, watch “Comedian” Bill Maher engaged in his favorite pastime ... attacking President Trump with DNC talking points ... this time over his handling of the coronavirus outbreak ... while Congressman Dan Crenshaw calmly lays out the countering timeline facts ... and makes Maher crawl back into his hate hole.


  1. Did you and I watch the same video clip? Hello Dennis

  2. Hi Bill, keep in mind that in the valley of the blind, the one-eyed are kings.
    Even if they misrepresent every fact that they utter.
    Just as an example, the Travel Ban Bill Pelosi is alleged to have sponsored, had nothing to do with the Virus. It had been proposed a year ago by someone else, in reaction to Trump's muslim ban. Conservatives do not care about facts, I've come to realize.

  3. Who was espousing facts in the video clip? And who was bloviating? Perhaps Maher is a conservative?
