Friday, April 10, 2020


Bernie Sanders suspends his presidential campaign

Coronavirus updates: Italy’s new cases accelerate, WHO warns leaders against politicizing outbreak

DC braces for looming surge ...

Poll: Trump tops Biden as better leader for coronavirus ...

Oregon Rep. Walden: Nationwide mail-in voting would be a ‘recipe for disaster’

Oil surges in sudden move toward the end of trading, production cuts eyed

Farmers panic-buying to keep cows fed ...

‘His condition is improving’: Boris Johnson is ‘sitting up in bed’

Mnuchin hopes to unveil ‘Main Street’ lending facility this week

New York Gov. Cuomo says state won’t return to ‘normal’ as daily coronavirus  deaths reach new high

Obesity is major risk factor says epidemiologist ...

Harris poll: 77 percent of Americans blame China for coronavirus outbreak

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