Friday, April 24, 2020


Trump says he told Navy to ‘destroy’ Iranian boats harassing U.S. ships

Trump and Biden are deadlocked in six key 2020 election states, CNBC/Change Research poll finds

USA: Virus kills 45,236, doubling in a little over a week ...

Northham: Protesters ‘so selfish’ for endangering healthcare workers

2019 was Europe’s warmest year ever recorded

Coronavirus live updates: Accuracy of coronavirus antibody tests questioned, Delta burning $100 million a day

HYDRO-DON’T: No benefit from malaria drug ...

Scalise: Sickening to watch Pelosi use small-business aid as leverage

McConnell slams breaks on next round of coronavirus aid

Kudlow voices support for shielding companies from coronavirus -related lawsuits

California cases rising ... NJ deaths hit high ...

Indonesia to ban Ramadan celebrations

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