Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Happy Talk

“You got to have a dream. If you don’t have a dream, how you gonna to make a dream come true?” — from “Happy Talk” by Rogers and Hammerstein

CNN’s attack poodle Jim Acosta accused President Trump last week of offering only “happy talk” in his daily coronavirus pressers. In other words, this partisan puke with a press pass was attacking the Orangeman for being optimistic. Golly, what a sin!

If our president can’t offer us hope, who can? (Wasn’t “hope” the flowery centerpiece of our last president’s plywood table? But CNN’s leitmotif was quite different back then!)


  1. Captain Bob12:02 PM

    He wasn't offering hope he was offering pie in the sky "grandiose" futures with nothing to back it up. While all the other economists on the flat earth are seeing a continued downward spiral. Go ahead, drink the kool aid. Less for me and Dennis.

  2. Cap’t Bob, Sounds very much like you would prefer our economy to stay in the crapper until at least after this coming election?
