Saturday, April 25, 2020


Wouldn’t it be hilariously funny if President Trump was onto something with his suggestion of injecting a disinfectant into one’s bloodstream to kill the coronavirus? Now we know that such unconventional thinking has heaped mountains of ridicule on the Orangeman. But let’s think about this possibility a little more ...

We know that Lysol or bleach are unlikely candidates for this injectable disinfectant ... but what about grain alcohol? Alcohol IS a powerful disinfectant ... we use it in sanitary wipes. Even some distillery companies are making these wipes as a patriotic gift.

And we also know that, in very small quantities, alcohol is tolerated in our bloodstream. So, could it be used, injected or ingested, as a way of killing this invisible enemy? Who knows? But one intriguing thing we do know is that COVID-19 has not swept through the West Coast homeless communities like we all expected. And what other infliction permeates these gatherings? Alcoholism!

Now this possibility might be utter hokum ... but wasn’t Trump onto a possible way of taming this monster?  Not that he would ever use it ... being an avowed teetotaler. But many of the rest of us would. Just imagine ... the “four martini cure!”


  1. Gender neutral6:54 AM

    Any way you can, you won't give up trying to justify this monster you have helped create. Godzilla would also be a good cure if we were to let him loose on the population centers. Look out Dennis. They're coming for your beer.

  2. You’re twisting yourself into an illogical liberal pretzel. Perhaps you might apply to write Squinty Joe’s monologue?

  3. George, I am aghast that you now embrace, even tongue kiss, junk science. It takes at least 60% alcohol to kill the virus - 4 martinis may get you drunk but still only contain approx 40% alcohol. Further, ingested virus tends to be killed by stomach acid, thus the booze is superfluous, but satisfying in other ways.
    Trump may be a teetotaler but it is reported that he snorts Adderall, which may account for his incoherent rambling.
    Accusing Bill of pretzel logic is like a squirrel calling a chipmunk a rodent.

  4. Dear Scientist, 60% is recommended to kill ALL the virus. Killing just some of them might be (probably is) beneficial. I think that it has been determined that the absolute loading of virus is important in outcomes.

  5. Why is it I keep feeling that you lefties are rooting for the virus ... and the Chinese. Is this wise?

  6. I take umbrage at the suggestion that I or my followers would "root" for the enemy.

    But, I forgive you. I empathize with the angst you must be feeling, seeing your vaunted hero making a fool of himself at his daily reality show, and seeing all GOP ratings going into the dustbin of history. It must be painful. Like a goldfish in a tank where a little boy has poured in some bleach.

  7. Your analogies are deserving of the Great Bard ...
