Saturday, March 21, 2020

Today’s Poser

Do Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi have blood on their hands ... for distracting America for all of January and into February with their impeachment hoax ... diverting our nation’s attention away from the looming coronavirus pandemic?


  1. Nope. The blood is on the (tiny) hands of the dickless idiot who fired the White House Pandemic Response Team. He then put clueless Mike Pence in charge so he could throw him under the bus. Now adding even more incompetent Jared to the Crisis Team. Next he'll be firing Fauci for correcting his misinformation. We are doomed.

  2. “No, not at all,” Trump told CNBC in a Jan. 22 interview on CNBC when “Squawk Box” co-host Joe Kernen asked him if there were worries about an outbreak of the novel coronavirus in China becoming a “pandemic.”

    “It’s going to be just fine,” Trump assured Kernen during the interview at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

    “We have it totally under control.”

  3. Yesterday heard the head of the former White House pandemic response team say that she thought her responsibility had been to “send up smoke signals” is the case of a possible pandemic! Not insuring we had enough masks, swabs, ventilators, etc.. Or that we had a well-oiled way of developing tests for new viruses ... or vaccines ... or treatments. Were I Trump, I also would have sent them packing.

    Besides, what does CDC stand for? Was this not a major part of their job too?

    More bureaucracy does not solve problems ... it just slows the solutions down.

    Some day you might have those CNN scales fall from your eyes ... and realize what a good manager the Orangeman really is.

  4. Answer to Chill, perhaps Trump was understandably distracted too?

  5. Additional answer to DEN, I suspect that Jared is Trump’s spy on proceedings.
