Saturday, March 07, 2020

Snow Mass


  1. Lets not get confused with a lot of averages and other math mumbo-jumbo.
    My reality is based (much like our POTUS) on my gut feel. Like him, I think "Facts are for suckers." Reading about this stuff is boring. We should just cherry pick the stuff we agree with.

    I also agree with your premise that all this stuff we hear about melting polar ice is just a leftist plot to cancel the last election.

  2. So you, like me, don’t agree with “science?”

  3. Yes, science is boring. All understanding should come from feelings.
    Graphs are easy to make with software, you can make one "prove" anything you want.
    A lot of scientists ask me how come I know so much. Reading books is a waste of time when you already know everything.

  4. There is a big difference between science and “science.” And why do you so easily disregard any data that disagrees with your spoon-fed bias? Isn’t that — the kettle calling the Potts black?
