Monday, March 09, 2020


You can see it on their smiling faces and hear it in their gleeful statements ... the Left is cheering for a coronavirus catastrophe ... in the hope that Trump will be so damaged politically that he will be toasted in November.

In an insidious way, Trump is in a lose-lose situation .... when he urges calm, he is accused of downplaying the situation. And, if he takes drastic actions such as mass quarantines, he will so damage our economy that he will be also tut-tut shamed.

All that the orangeman can hope for is that warming weather stifles this virus and corrects the stock market swoon. Insofar as the precipitous drop in oil prices which have been equally upsetting to world markets, I suspect that this will be self-correcting ... by how these lower prices should spur economic activity.

The Democrats should be careful with their pompoms lest they be seen as cheerleading for the pandemic, recession and stock market crash/correction. Not a good look for the middle-American voter.


  1. This is utter nonsense.
    Nobody is cheerleading for Covid19, pandemic or recession.
    (Except maybe the anarchists on the fringes).
    Trump fired the White House Pandemic Response Team to cut costs, but blames the fake media for disclosing facts. And now they are totally flummoxed. Just listen to the idiotic statements made by the stable genius, and you have to laugh. This is why every late night host mocks him. That's different from hoping for a disaster.

  2. Always the optimist ...
