Saturday, March 28, 2020

Bedside Manner

President Trump is a very good doctor with a very shitty bedside manner. We are all his patients now people ... which one is really more important?


  1. Watch what happens in Washington and Michigan. Trump's pettiness will most assuredly backfire and bring voters to their senses with images of the sick and dying filling the hallways of care centers. He is nothing more than a quack purveyor of magic cures and foolish promises.
    He surrounds himself with ass-kissers and Yes-men.
    When has that ever been good for a nation?

  2. We readers, all offer you kudos not for your thinking ... but for your consistency ...

  3. Approval rating down 13%.

  4. Sounds like you are cheering for national misery and death ... all to get the Orangeman out?
