Saturday, February 15, 2020

Today’s Poser

Is justice blind or just myopic? If Roger Stone (one count of perjury) is recommenced to be sentenced to 6 to 9 years whereas Andrew McCabe (four lies under oath according to the IG Horowitz) has been let off the hook by the DOJ, is this justice?


  1. Stone: Found Guilty at Trial on seven counts, including witness tampering, perjury and obstruction.

    McCabe: Charges dropped when grand jury refused to indict. No trial. No case.

    What's your problem with the Truth?

  2. A railroad job by a never-Trump judge, jury and prosecutors ... on record. Even the tampered witness says he wasn’t tampered. Never-Trumper Judge Napolitano even says it was a travesty. Needs a new trial by unbiased parties. And you don’t know that a grand jury failed to indict McCabe.
