Thursday, February 20, 2020

The Debate

One would think, watching the Democrat debate last night, that our world revolves around free stuff for everyone, climate change, sexism and racism. Non-issues: world trade inequities, our growing national debt, coronavirus, Chinese hegemony, North Korean nukes, immigration reform, economic growth, national defense, impeachment and patriotism.

I’m not sure if this was because of the candidates’ myopia or cable new’s desire to stir things up.

Afterthought: Bloomberg has said he would back whomever wins the Democrat nomination ... now, except possibly Liz Warren...


  1. What an elitist you are, George! The "non-issues" that you listed plus another dozen or so items that belong into that category are of very little or absolutely no interest to the voters, the real people. And, George, stop using such hifalutin words like inequities, myopia . . . real people have trouble understanding you. Axel

  2. The “real issues” are what got Trump elected last time ... and likely will get him re-elected in November. I doubt if voters know what NDAs are or care how many stents Bernie has implanted. The world is a whole lot bigger than these six debaters want to recognize. Sorry about the big words and any elitism ...
