Thursday, February 06, 2020

Straight Skinny?

Most everyone is suspicious of the coronavirus statistics being offered by Beijing. Now, an apparent slip by the Chinese Internet company, Tencent, has revealed what might be the terrifying truth ... see: Taiwan News Story.

This leak suggest the real number of cases in China as of late last week was  154 thousand ... and deaths, 25 thousand. This compares with the official Chinese numbers of cases at 14,551 thousand and deaths at 304. As one can clearly see, the real number of cases would be off by one order of magnitude (power of 10) ... and deaths, off by almost two orders of magnitude ... a little scary.

This also suggests that the mortality rate might not be between 2 and 3% as previously reported ... but more like 16% ... higher than what it was for the SARS virus which was 11% ... but not as high as the MERS virus which was over 34%.

If this reporting is accurate, then one can, to get to the truth, multiply the number of cases that China reports by 10 ... and the number of deaths by 100. No wonder whole cities have been quarantined!

Here are the latest “official” results.

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