Thursday, February 06, 2020


Coronavirus live updates: Cases top 20,000, Macao asks casinos to close

SILVER: Might have screwed up whole nomination process ...

Chinese media: Coronavirus chaos proves Communism is good

‘What a f-ing disaster’: NBC hot mic moment appears to catch panelist trashing Iowa caucuses

Trump approval rating hits new high in Gallup poll [49%], despite impeachment trial

‘Biblical’ plague destroying crops across Middle East, Africa ...

Adam Schiff warns Donald Trump could give Alaska to the Russians

Liberal activists on Twitter celebrate Rush Limbaugh’s cancer diagnosis

Iowa caucuses debacle is one of the worst tech failures ever

Acquittal may have profound effect on presidential power ...

Donald Trump snubs CNN for State of the Union preview lunch

Clinton campaign veterans run firm that that built the disastrous Iowa caucus phone app

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