Tuesday, February 04, 2020


Police shoot man in suspected ‘terrorist-related’ incident in London

‘I will pay more’: Bloomberg unveils $5 trillion tax plan targeting the wealthy and corporations

Super Bowl of insults ... He’s short, He’s fat ... Has Trump met his match?

Shock: CNN, Des Moines Register bury Iowa poll

Schiff: Senators who fail to convict Trump will not be ‘off the hook’

US split on Trump’s removal from office, while top Dems’ lead in 2020 race: NBC/WSJ poll

The NFL ass-time show ...

Molten: Impeachment proves Nancy Pelosi is an idiot

Ernst: Trump learned his lesson on foreign interference

Voters largely favor capitalism over socialism amid Sanders’ rise in 2020 primary

Beyonce, Jay-Z DO NOT stand for [Super Bowl] half-time show ...

Trump: Bloomberg wants box to stand in for debate ...

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