Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Don Quixote

My lunch biddies chided me today about Trump thinking that windmills cause cancer ... something that I had not heard about. So I came home, full of beef brisket and Cel-Ray tonic, and looked it up ... see: The Hill Story. Actually, Trump said three things about wind turbines (not windmills):

1) they decrease nearby home values by 75%
2) their noise is claimed to cause cancer
3) they kill lots of birds

Are these claims reasonable? I then researched this matter further. See the following links:

1) Maybe not down 75% ... but certainly down 20 to 50% ... see: Forbes Article.
2) Probably not cancer ... but many other health problems ... see: How Stuff Works.
3) In the US, wid turbines kill more tha a half a million birds a year ... see: Live Science Data

Now, dear reader, was Trump lying ... or just being quixotic?


  1. Are you sure you weren’t drinking Koolaid instead of tonic?

  2. What you fail to mention is that Trump lashed out at windmills because they were trying to build them near his gold course in Scotland. So again it was in his own self interest. When are you going to learn the Trump does nothing for you or the common good, only for himself. Please post his whole rant about windmills. It shows how unstable his mind is.

  3. I seem to remember the Kennedys and John Kerry fought Cape Wind’s turbines miles off shore on Cape Cod. How come amnesia often overtakes you on the left. I personally would love to see the monster wind turbines be gone ... to be replaced by nuclear power plants. Again conservative logic takes a back seat to liberal lunacy.

  4. Do a little more research he says "Windmills" several times.

    How stuff works: "These symptoms have been observed and documented by a limited number of scientists studying small groups of people, and the scientific community hasn't concluded whether wind-turbine syndrome exists."

    Wind turbines may reduce the spread of bird flu.

  5. I think Bloomberg gets the best of Trump in a twitter exchange:
    Trump calls Bloomberg "Mini" Mike with lower energy than Jeb Bush.
    Bloomberg cites the fact that they know the same people in NYC and. behind his back, laugh at him for squandering his inheritance in bad deals. He is known as "a carnival barking clown."

  6. Bloomberg can hire the whole SNL comedy writer team and still have enough left to buy a box to stand on.
