Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Unreal Realities

This blog has pointed out that America has been living with unreal realities ... see: Reality Check. Pre-Trump, the United States was embracing many media- and politician-inspired “truths” that the Orangeman is attempting to kick into a cocked hat. They include:

- We can trust Iran to give up its nuclear ambitions and stop its sponsorship of terrorism

- Once China embraced capitalism, its 1.3 billion people would become huge customers for U.S. companies

- The Chinese model of totalitarian capitalism is superior to free-market capitalism

- Abortion, even right before birth, is moral and a woman’s legal right

- The European model of democratic socialism is superior to the U.S.’s free-market capitalism

- Large numbers of unscreened immigrants (even illegals) enhance American diversity and makes us stronger and safer

- Anti-ballistic missile defense and atomic weapons upgrades were a waste of money

- The Second Amendment is causing mass shootings

- The US. needs to continue to be the major financial supporter of NATO and the UN

- America’s middle working class is a basket of deplorables

- The United States needs to continue to insure peace in the the world ... and even nation-build where necessary

- High taxes and more government regulation is necessary and good for a strong America

- The checkered history of the United States makes it a flawed country not to be revered

- Carbon dioxide emissions from burning hydrocarbons are creating climate havoc that will shortly destroy mankind

- Israel and Great Britain are not America's friends

- Russia is our mortal enemy

- North Korea, even with its nuclear weapons and missiles, can be appeased and safely ignored

- Islam is a religion of peace

- America cannot be and will never be again another manufacturing powerhouse

If you agree with pushing back against even half of these reality illusions, you might ignore his sandpaper personality and reconsider your adversity to the Orangeman.

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