Friday, January 03, 2020

Toilet Paper

My granddaughters gave me a roll of toilet paper with Trump’s picture on each sheet. I thought it was funny and put it in our guest bathroom. If I gave any of my liberal friends toilet paper with a picture of Obama on each sheet, I wonder how this might be received? In fact, this seems the significant difference between today’s dogmatic liberals and more open-minded conservatives.


  1. If my grand daughters gave me a roll of toilet paper for a Christmas present I would cut them out of the will.

    I can understand why they would print Trump's picture on a roll of TP, but why would they do the same to Obama?

  2. Publius10:58 PM

    Open minded conservatives is the biggest oxymoron since the beginning of Earth.

  3. Perhaps my circle of liberal friends ... and Nancy Pelosi ... and Adam Schiff ... and Greta Thunberg ... and oodles more ... are unique in their militancy?
