Friday, January 24, 2020


McConnell makes strategic retreat to keep firm grip on Trump trial

Trump says GDP would be near 4% and the Dow would be soaring if it weren’t for the Fed

Witness swap: Biden for Bolton?

Trump: Northam putting VIrginia ‘in play’ with gun control push

Bloomberg rises to 4th place in new national poll

China says coronavirus deaths rise to 17, heightening global alarm

Paper: Saudi prince hacked Bezos’ phone?

POTUS at Davos: E.U more difficult to do business with than China ...

Poll: Voters still support Trump removal, but support has slipped

Jamie Dimon says his one big worry is negative interest rates

Standoff: American troops block Russian forces from capturing Syrian oil field ...

Leaked intelligence report: 150 French areas ‘held’ by Islamists

Tulsi Gabbard sues Hillary Clinton for defamation

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