Monday, January 13, 2020


Endangered Dems sound the alarm on Bernie and Warren

Dividend stocks look attractive with a volatile year that nets measly returns expected ahead

Iran rioters demand Khamenei quit ... Rage at rulers ... ‘Death to liars’

Mike Lee co-sponsors Sanders bill to halt unilateral Iran action

Trump suggests he’d invoke executive privilege to block Bolton testimony

Iran admits ‘unintentionally’ shooting down Ukrainian airliner, blames ‘human error’

DC, Philly, 70 degrees in winter!

Swedes vote climate policy biggest waste of taxpayer money in 2019

Sanders jumps to small lead in major Iowa poll

Puerto Rico hit by 6.0 magnitude earthquake, damaging island’s southern coast

White House considers dramatic expansion of travel ban ...

Susan Collins working with small group of GOP Senators to rally support for impeachment witnesses

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