Monday, January 20, 2020

Gifted Storyteller

As per her endorsement in the New York Times ... see: NYT Endorsement.


  1. With Trump having told 16,000 plus fairy tales, I don't think the Potts can call the kettle black.

  2. Liz needs to learn how to make hollow jive into delightful so-called “lies” instead of real legislation that is seen as lies. More Hollywood, less DC.

  3. Here's a scenario: President Elect Warren on a phone call to Ukraine President Zelinski.
    Warren: Hope you can make it to my inauguration.
    Z: Oh I am looking forward to it. A great day. Oh BTW we could use some more tankbuster rockets.
    Warren: Sure, I'll speak to my people. (pause) But, we, and by that I mean, US would ask a favor...
    Z: Sure what can I do?
    Warren: Well, we want to look into corruption between the Trump administration and operatives in Ukraine. We want to lock him up. Pence, too, if you got any dirt.
    Z: I assure you Madame President, we have dirt on both of them, and Rudy too. We would be happy to cooperate...

  4. Would you vote to impeach Warren for that call?

  5. We usually don’t jail the prosecutor in a trial.
