Monday, January 06, 2020

Australian Bushfires

The bushfires in Australia are devastating and may be unprecedented in size ... but they have happened many times before ... see: The Guardian Article. According to this article this year’s fires are unprecedented in that they are projected to be much larger over the next two months than the total devastation that occurred in  the mid-1970s.

And, of course, the climate alarmists are pointing to these bushfires as evidence of climate change ... while others are blaming the Australian government of mismanagement of the normal actions needed to be taken to anticipate this oft-repeated scourge. The above chart suggests that these government critics may have a point in that ... as the area of prescribed burns has gone done in Australia, the area of wildfires has gone up.

Is this an example, like in nutty California, of government inaction designed to prove a political point? Nah! ... politicians would never be that callous ...

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