Wednesday, December 04, 2019


Governments need to have spooks ... spies, counter spies, espionage agents and counter espionage  agents. That’s the nature of national security. And because of what these agents are charged to do ... unsavory stuff ... they are generally not Boy Scouts. If they are not nefarious when they are hired, they become nefarious in order to advance their careers.

So we should not be surprised when we find unsavory individuals like Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Strzok, Page, McCabe, etc. inside our intelligence operations. It comes with the territory ... like frogs in a frog pond.

Which is all the more reason why, if these intelligence officials turn rogue and use their powerful wiles and ways against their political adversaries, they should be severely punished. If they are given a pass, because they are spooks, then they effectively become like antibodies attacking their own tissue, they create a very dangerous precedent ... a precedent that might eventually kill their host ... i.e., bring down their country.

All the more reason that the FBI Inspector General Horowitz and Attorney General Barr should not pull their punches in their investigations into the alleged attempted coup by our intelligence community against a sitting president, Donald J. Trump. If our president cannot trust his spooks, it is very spooky!

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