Thursday, December 19, 2019


Speaker Nancy Pelosi is power hungry. Dramatically all dressed in mourning black, she has corralled most of her Democrat children into voting for President Trump’s impeachment with only three defections on the Abuse of Power Article and four on the Obstruction of Congress one. No Republican voted for either article. She has won this battle ... at what cost is still to be determined in next fall’s election. But many suspect, including myself, that she has committed political suicide.

Even compounding this Thelma and Louise moment is what this martinet has done next. Normally, the impeachment articles would be sent to the Senate for their part in this Constitutional process, the trial. But Pelosi is holding back on this tradition in hopes of forcing Mitch McConnell to set up the trial to her liking ... such as calling her proscribed witnesses ... see: CNBC Story.

This seems a moment like Captain Queeg’s rant about the stolen strawberries in the book and film, The Caine Mutiny. Speaker Pelosi is trying to control things she is not supposed to be able to control by law and tradition. She has gone full-postal on President Trump and, it would seem, her motives are now being bared to the world. These motives have nothing to do with the Constitution or our founding fathers or her piety ... they are personal. She hates Donald Trump with a white-hot passion for challenging her power ... and will use every ruse and lever of her authority to prevail in this cage match.

Yes, radical feminists and pajama boys, with gusto, will rally to her side in this insanity. But, I suspect that this power grab on Pelosi’s part may well fail. And even with most of the media cheering her on, all Mitch McConnell has to do is wait her out. Time is not on her side ... and a delayed Senate trial puts enormous pressure on those Senate Democrats who are running for President.

Pelosi may yet learn why McConnell is nicknamed “The Turtle.”

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