Sunday, December 15, 2019


House Judiciary approves Articles of Impeachment, paving way for floor vote

China, US reach phase one trade deal that includes some tariff relief and agriculture purchases

Is Bernie the new Corbyn?

Democrat watches golf during impeachment ... President’s Cup

Biden warns that Boris Johnson’s victory shows dangers of parties leaning too far left

Trump halts new China tariffs and rolls back some of the prior duties of $120 billion of imports

Republicans agree to massive spending bill, despite record deficits ...

Lee: FISA ‘as it now stands, cannot stand any longer’

Judge hits Trump administration over census docs fight

US weighing 100% tariffs on EU products including whiskey and Cognac, according to documents

Dems agree on one thing, they’re very, very nervous ...

VA Democrat: Let National Guard force counties to honor gun control

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