Saturday, December 07, 2019


‘No choice’: Pelosi proceeds with articles of impeachment

‘Don’t mess with me’: Nancy Pelosi rips reporter who asks if she hates Trump

Melania slams [Nadler]  witness who joked about Baron’s name ...

Biden sides with world leaders mocking Trump: ‘The world is laughing’

U.S. envoy to Iran says as many as 1,000 protesters killed in government crackdown

Elizabeth Warren is preparing a plan to ban mega mergers, allow gig workers to unionize

NKorea: ‘Very dangerous’ if Trump calls Kim ‘Rocket Man’ again ...

Hillary Clinton dismisses lesbian rumors on Howard Stern

John Kerry throws his support behind Biden

‘Damn liar’ — Joe Biden blasts Iowa voter, calls him ‘fat’ after Ukraine accusation

Iran secretly moving missiles into Iraq ...

U.S. factory orders rebound

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