Sunday, December 08, 2019


4 dead, 11 injured in shooting at Pensacola naval base

Trump’s tricky decision: Hit China with new tariffs or hold off?

Limbaugh: Impeachment driven by ‘raw hatred’ of President ...

Unemployment drops to lowest in 50 years

U.S. gains a robust 266,000 jobs; unemployment falls to 3.5%

Kudlow says trade deal is close, but Trump is prepared to ‘walk away’ if some conditions not met

Bernie unveils plan to break up Internet titans ...

Graham: I have no desire to subpoena Schiff’s phone records

Appeals court lifts some rulings blocking Trump ‘public charge’ rule for immigrants

House GOP leader says ‘we get USMCA done’ this year despite Dem focus on Trump impeachment

Fed pumps $4 trillion into markets ...

Devin Nunes: Adam Schiff violated my ‘civil liberties’ with snooping

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